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Web Applications

Do you think it is important for teachers to have a PLN? I think, as usual, it depends on the teacher and the grade level they are teaching. I am not that comfortable with using something like feedly and plus sometimes it is so difficult to keep up with all the social media web applications like: twitter, facebook, Blogger, Glogster...etc...I personally do not have the time. I pick and choose the ones that give me the biggest bang for my buck.

Ok...this assignment just made me feel really dumb. I watched the video and seemed so easy and then I signed up and that is where I started to get confused. I understand the general application and the potential use in the classroom but it is not user friendly. There are too many ways to go and it seems to try too hard. I think it would take me along to get used to this interface but it is not straight forward. I do believe sometimes there are too many options for technology platforms and coupled with the fact that I am unfamiliar and I do not have the time to become familiar with it on my own. I wish they had an example in this course. Just a suggestion.

Link to Wiki

Digital Story

Here is a link to my Pixton creation:

My Pixton link

The Web 2.0 Application - Pixton was very fun and easy tool to use. I thought it could be used my different applications in the classroom. Especially for a student to express themselves on something they have learned in class through comic strip.  A student can create a character or characters and have dialog between them. You can change the characters body position, facial expression and you can change the setting. I think the best application would be in English class because you get students to write stories in a format that is both fun and expressive. It would also for correction so for example ESL students could see that need to speak and write in the same manner. I think is a good tool for putting the two together which can be difficult sometimes for ESL students.


  1. Pixton sounds really neat. The team that I work with is trying to create videos ion every topic/TEKS that we teach and I can use this in my class. I wish Pixton also made videos, because then it would work perfect. I could still use this for explanations though. Thanks for sharing your experiences Joel.

  2. They always wanna point the finger and appoint someone else to talk in the group but pixton seems to give them all a voice without having to say a thing. I like that. Check out as well it's about the same thing.

  3. Joel,
    Your blog was quite interesting. I can see that you're passionate about history and that passion certainly gives you an advantage in the classroom. World War I is definitely an interesting topic, and there isn't enough emphasis put on it nowadays in history class.

  4. Joel, your blog is great! It makes me worry about mine, actually. I really struggled with some of this stuff. This was by far the hardest class, you were not kidding! I am glad to know I wasn't the only one who struggled.
